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"From Awareness to Action: Dialogue on Removing Barriers to Employment"
Sept 2021 - Dec 2022
Project Partners:

Funding Agency: Canadian Heritage

DoARC received a grant from the Government of Canada, Canadian Heritage Branch, to undertake a project to reduce the barriers to equitable employment for women of African descent. The project started Sept 2021 and will be concluded in December 2022. Three major outcomes of the project are:
- Strengthened research and evidence on existing systemic barriers to employment for African-descent women in Saskatchewan including with employers
- Improved employment opportunities for African-descent women in Saskatchewan through evidence-based workshops and other supports enabling women to develop career paths and goals, improve job search abilities and other employment-readiness skills.
- Increased intercultural understanding by employers and others in the community at large of systemic barriers faced by African-descent women.

Project Activities
Below are the activities related to the, "From Awareness to Action: Dialogue on Removing Barriers to Employment" project. Click, "read more" for more information on the activity and how to sign up.