Become a Member

Home >  Become a Member


Become a member by filling out the online form below, downloading the membership application, or by emailing DoARC for a copy at

Return the completed form and the membership fee via e-transfer to  or mail to 7620 Mapleford Boulevard, Regina, SK, S4Y 0H1

Membership is open to African-descent women and any other members wishing to support the organization’s goals.


Youth/Student Membership

Due annually by Jan 1st

Ages 18-30


General Membership

Due annually by Jan 1st


Corporate Membership

Due annually by Jan 1st

Accepted from organizations

Membership Registration Form

Daughters of Africa Resources Center SK. Inc. is a service organization that provides social and economic integration, employment, and other services to meet the needs of Saskatchewan’s African-descent Canadian women. Women of other ethnic groups are also welcome.

Mission: Daughters of Africa Resource Center SK. Inc. promotes collaboration and unity among African-descent Canadian women, other racialized women, and others who share our values. The Organization identifies, works on, and advocates on issues central to the members’ development and successful integration into Canadian society through democratic principles with the Creator as our guide.

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There are 2 ways you can send your membership fee:

  1. Make cheque payable to Daughters of Africa Resources Center SK Inc. and mail to: 7620 Mapleford Boulevard, Regina, SK, S4Y 0H1
  2. Or send membership fee via e-transfer to or call (306) 539–9406.

Why You Should Become a Member

Benefits of membership in DoArC. By joining DoARC you can



Celebrate and foster African cultures in Saskatchewan, both the differences and similarities between us


Participate in the DoARC network with other African-descent women who share a common interest, understanding and concerns


Work with African-descent women, and others who support our cause, to advocate and support successful integration of our members into Canadian culture and employment


Work with other members to identify specific needs of African-descent women and to develop services to meet the needs


Receive immediate access to all newsletters and notices of activities implemented by DoARC


Support the development of a new African-centered Resources Center catering to the specific social, cultural, and integration needs for women and their families


Learn new skills and develop new talents as a non-profit organization leader, Board or Committee member


Network with similar organizations in Saskatchewan, across Canada and beyond for mutual benefit


Expand your own personal and/or business network