About Us
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Daughters of Africa Resources Center SK. Inc. (DoARC) is a grass-roots organization open to African-descent women and other women committed to its objectives. Re-organized and re-registered as a new non-profit organization in 2018, DoARC is excited about the future and being of service to African-descent women and youth in Saskatchewan.

Our Mission
Daughters of Africa Resource Center SK. Inc. (DoARC) promotes collaboration and unity among African-descent Canadian women, other racialized women, and others that share our values. The Organization identifies, works on, and advocates on issues that are central to the members’ development and successful integration into Canadian society through democratic principles with the Creator as our guide.
Our Values
This service agency will operate using professional, ethical standards including:
- We shall respect and treat each other with dignity and worth.
- We shall support and work towards healthier and stronger families.
- We shall be accountable and transparent in our operations.

Our Objectives
The Objectives of DoARC are as follows
To identify needs and develop services on issues that are central to the development and successful integration of DoARC members and their families.
To develop a resource center share information on issues such as: equity, education, employment and training, health, housing, social services, etc.
To develop resources and provide services to enhance the potential of women in employment and related opportunities.
To support the development of a Resource Center catering to the specific social, cultural, and integration needs for women and their families.
To develop, preserve and promote the African culture to our children and future generations.
To collaborate with, and wherever feasible complement, the activities of existing organizations in the larger Canadian multicultural community.
To network and affiliate with other women’s organizations locally and internationally.
Meet Our Team
Board of DoARC 2024-2025
